• Family School Association (FSA) 

    Mission Statement

    The St. Cajetan Family School Association (FSA) consists of school parents, guardians, teachers, administrators and our pastor, acting collectively on behalf of St. Cajetan School and our children. Active participation and cooperation is key to the effectiveness of our organization and is the foundation of a caring school community. 

    The St. Cajetan Family School Association has several purposes including facilitating communication among parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, and parish, with a focus on the educational and spiritual development of our children. We seek opportunities to create a welcoming school environment and the highest quality education for our students. Additionally, we promote good will and cooperation among parents, guardians, faculty, administration, school board and parish and direct and coordinate parental support for special activities, programs, social events and fundraising.

     Our Leadership

    The Family School Association (FSA) is always looking for interested individuals to assist with various committee functions.  Our organization is led by the following members:
     President  Jean Tait  jmt8@woway.com
     Vice President  Lisa Lyle    llyle765@comcast.net
     Secretary  Tracy McGinnis  tbarnicle@gmail. com
    Treasurer Sarah Reed sarah_irene_lynch@yahoo.com
    School Liasion Jeanine O'Malley jomalley@cajetan.org

    Our Committees

    Through our volunteer efforts, the FSA offers numerous services under the following committees:


    Facilitate communication between committees and school; assist FSA committees with marketing efforts; coordinate volunteers for events and activities.Track membership and dues transactions.


    Coordinate profit generating events that provide funds to the school and the FSA


    Coordinate school social events\tasks for students and\or parents. 

    Room Parents

    Coordinate room parent selection and activities lead through room parents; assist with teacher special requests


    Enhance the education experience at St. Cajetan School via providing enrichment programs (Club Cajetan) for students either after school or during the summer; assist the faculty in the classrooms as needed; and to help provide additional materials for the classroom when they are requested by the faculty. 

    SIGN UP HERE to receive news, events, and updates from the FSA.
Teacher Appreciation
Trunk or Treat