• Before and After School Care Program


    To help meet the needs of working parents, Saint Cajetan offers before-school 6:45-7:45 am and after-school care from 2:30–6:00 p.m. on all regular school days. This program is open to children from full-day preschool through eighth-grade, and gives students the chance to complete their homework, as well as participate in art, games, and other recreational activities. 

    Located in Memorial Hall in the lower grade center, after-care meets on every regular school day, but is not available during school holidays. Fees for the program depend on how many days students participate per week and how long they stay each day. For complete details, please contact Jean Butler at jbutler@cajetan.org. 

    Registration Fees:
    • Registration Fee for AM Before Care: $20.00 per student
    • Registration Fee for PM After Care: $45.00 per student
    Hourly Rates:
    • $7.00 per hour for 1 student
    • $10.00 per hour for 2 students
    • $12.00 per hour for 3 students
    • $14.00 per hour for 4 students