All students eat in the school lunchroom and are seated with children in nearby grades. Lunch is followed by recess, and students either bring their lunch from home or participate in the hot lunch program, which is available five days a week. Milk is also available for purchase through the hot lunch program detailed below. There are no vending machines on school grounds. Parent volunteers organize a Fun Lunch once a month – click here for more information.
Hot Lunch
St. Cajetan offers a daily hot lunch option through the Country House at Gilhooley's School Lunch Program. Parents should be aware of the following details:
- Menus are available on line at https://www.myschoolaccount.com/. Orders will be placed and paid for online. Late orders will not be accepted.
- Parents who do not order hot lunch every day should keep track of their selected days on a calendar or using the myschoolaccount website.
- Credits will not be provided for days when chidlren are absent.
If you have any questions about the hot lunch program, please contact the school office at 773.474-7820 and ask for Mrs. Debbie Collins or email info@cajetan.org.