Emmet Connolly
  • Faith and Service

    St. Cajetan School provides a Christ centered environment focusing on spiritual and moral formation.  Our Catholic Identity is evident at St. Cajetan School.  The signs and symbols of our Catholic Faith are present in every classroom and throughout the school.  These are an ever-present reminder to our students that God is part of all that we do.

    We begin each day with prayer, and a formal religion curriculum is taught at all grade levels.  Students in grades 2-8 attend Mass on a weekly basis, and all school liturgies are celebrated monthly.  The sacrament of Reconciliation is offered twice a year during the Advent and Lenten seasons, and our parish priests and deacons are available to visit classrooms for additional faith support.

    Our students learn the practice of Adoration and have the opportunity to pray quietly before the Blessed Sacrament during St. Cajetan Parish’s monthly day of prayer and adoration. 

    Students in Grade 2 are prepared for the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.  Students in Grade 8 are prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation. 

    Beyond the visible sacraments of our faith, common worship and prayer, our students come to know the person of Jesus Christ by living their faith in action and service.  Service is a hallmark of Christian life.  St. Cajetan students have many opportunities to serve, including:

    • Altar Serving
    • Feeding the poor through the Peanut Butter and Jelly Ministry
    • Winter Coat Drives for the homeless
    • Visits and caroling at local retirement community
    • Opportunity to donate to various charities through classroom competitions
    • Service projects for those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation
    Please click here for a link to our parish bulletin.
    Click here to download our Service Hour Form
St. Cajetan Church